Membro dei “Wanted Posse” di nuova generazione e dei “Serial Stepperz”, è un incredibile ballerino di House Dance, famoso per il suo particolare “footwork” che lo contraddistingue. Perfino Missy Elliot al Juste Debout 2009 di New York ha voluto congratularsi con lui per la sua danza.

From the dirtiest streets on earth to the greatest stages in the world ! Mamé. 4 letters that are now part of the main influencers of hip hop dance and particularly house dance. Thanks to his unique style and his incredible musicality, he inspired young dancers all over the world. His slender and gracious body make him recognizable anywhere, from the greatest stages in the world to the dustiest pavements.Mamé is a one-of-a-kind dancer. His subtle style and his generous personality enabled him to become a major figure in hip hop. He now stands out as a judge for international battles, a consultant and a coach.
He is also part of the Wanted Posse Crew, THE one that changed the Hip Hop world. This genuine “family” was awarded 2001 World Champions at the Battle Of The Year. Their truly revolutionary style, that mixes different street dance disciplines, tremendously spread since then. Thanks to this open-mindedness, MaMSoN deeply enriched dance style. It all begins for him in 1996 in Noisiel (area of Paris), where he starts breakdancing. His first crew: DSS. In 1999, the Wanted Posse Crew calls on his style. Mamé then earns 2 letters and becomes MaMSoN! He keeps on enriching his technique and his style, gets into New Style… And discovers House Dance with Bruce Ykanji.
A revelation that he will keep on enhancing along with his Wanted brothers: today’s House Dance multiple world champions Yugson, Babson, and Hagson. He also starts creating shows with his crew: Badmoves, Transe, Racine, Konexion and Revolution. Shows they will perform all over the world. TV sets and the greatest musicals such as the Ten Commandments or Nuits de Folie call on his solid, spherical and ethereal style. But MaMSoN doesn’t neglect the world of authentic dancers for all that.
He takes part in the Friday crews in 2002, and has been shining on the hottest dance floors with the Serial Stepperz since 2008. Nowadays, MaMSoN travels all over the world to train tomorrow’s dancers, to exchange with artists, and to judge international battles.